Our Mission
The Department of Environmental and Global Health is committed to the continued improvement and protection of the health of all people through global leadership in research, training and service. Air, soil, and water are factors that threaten health that are rarely contained within artificially drawn political borders. Thus, environmental health is global. It is our goal to explore and examine its global dimensions fully.
Department Structure
The Department of Environmental and Global Health is a hub of collaboration among University of Florida scientists interested in the effects of environmental factors on human health. Faculty embodies several areas of expertise that are broadly defined by the following concentrations:
Environmental Toxicology
Environmental Infectious Disease
Global and Community Health
Faculty focus on complex problems that require a multi-disciplinary approach and therefore collaborate extensively with several Centers located on the UF main campus:
Center for Environmental and Human Toxicology (CEHT)
Emerging Pathogens Institute (EPI)
Aquatic Pathobiology Laboratory (APL)